17 July 2013

Nail Obsession:Filthy Gorgeous- Tea Bird

As most of you probably know I'm not a massive nail varnish person. I feel like the only blogger who isn't sometimes! Although I do always wear it I don't find it particularly excitng and I would never spend money on a new nail varnish. I own a fair few polishes but almost all of them have been gifts and the one I'm showing you today is no exception
Sorry for the messy painting! 

Filthy Gorgeous isn't a brand I'd heard of before but last year I received a set of their nail varnish from a friend. To be honest I was a little dismissive at first as the packaging (that I threw away- sorry!) looked a little cheap. But I'd wanted a summery pastel blue for ages so as soon as Spring hit I tried this colour out which is called Tea Bird. Oh my god is it gorgeous! It's such a pretty light blue colour and I've had lots of compliments on it, especially at work.

It gets better though. Not only is the colour perfect it has a great formula too. It needs to coats but the coats dry so fast that it's really quick to do. I put three coats on, which I'm normally far too lazy to do, and it didn't take much longer at all. When I had three coats on and a layer of Seche Vite top coat I got two and a half weeks wear out of it!! I'm normally the person that chips their nails after the first day despite doing zero manual work. So I was very very impressed when there was only minimal chipping after two weeks.

What shows how much I love the colour and staying power is that I've worn it for two months straight. Two whole months! All the other pretty coral, pink and mint polish shades are sitting unloved now. And I can't see that changing in the future!

Filthy Gorgeous can be purchased from Feel Unique for £9. 


  1. I love that colour!It's such a cute summer colour. OMG I can't believe it lasted that long! I always end up chipping mine like the next day.

    spaceboundblogs.blogspot.co.uk x x

  2. This colour is lovely!
    Found you through the bbloggers blog hop :)

    Elise Dopson | Beauty, lifestyle and fashion


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